[Internal] Blurry Background Image: Clear it up
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for clearing up a blurry background image by supplying the appropriate CSS code. Background images become blurry because they "stretch" during scrolling to accommodate the height of the content when the content exceeds 1028px. The code included in this guide will enable the image to scroll with the content, rather than stretch.
1) Choose the module with the blurry image from the Manage Launch Module dropdown and click Go.
2) In the Status area click Preview.
3) Navigate to the page with the blurry background image. Keep this page open.
4) Return to the Management Console Home page on
the previous tab,
5) Click Administration.
6) In the Admin Home, select the Edit Theme
radio button, choose the base theme from the dropdown and click Go7) In the Edit Theme form, on
the Styles dropdown, select Create New.
8) Enter the file name deblurry for the new CSS code you're going to enter into the Styles textbox.
9) Copy the following code and paste it into the code textbox:
/* Fixing Blurry Parallaxed Background Image on pages with a
lot of Content */
.parallax-background {
center center !important;
background-attachment: scroll !important;
max-height: 1028px;
position: cover;
/* End Blurry Parallaxed Background Image code*/
10) Click Save.
11) Switch back to the tab with blurry background image.
12) On the keyboard, click Shirt+F5 to refresh the screen and clear the cache. The background image should refresh and not appear as blurry.
NOTE: Sometimes the background image might still move very
slightly. However, it should
appear better than it was. If the background image still moves slightly, send
the following note to the client or individual requesting the blurry
background image to be fixed:
We apologize
as we are not able not get it perfect. Parallax images are incredibly
hard to override.
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