This document provides
step-by-step instructions for creating a case in the Zoho CRM app. When technical support is needed, a case is created in Zoho CRM.
Create the Case
1) Navigate to the client's account in Zoho CRM.
2) On the left side menu, click Cases.3) In the Cases section, select New Cases.
4) The New Case form appears.
Fill in the
subject field with the handle followed by a brief statement of what is needed. For example sandbox-cc: Set up SSO.
6) Leave the Status field set to New.
7) The Account Name text box should contain the name of the Client the case is for.
8) From the Type dropdown menu, select the appropriate type of request. There are two primary ones to choose from:
- Problem used when something is not working properly, could be an error message, etc.
- Integration used for SSO and API-related issues.
9) Select the appropriate choice from the Case Origin dropdown.
If the
case origin is from a Zoho Desk ticket, place ticket number in the Desk Ticket Number text box.
11) Generally, choose Medium or Low from the Priority dropdown. Medium is "normal" priority. Example of a Low priority is a font override. Cases should only be marked High if it's an issue that affects many students or is an extreme situation for the client. Example of a high priority is many students cannot log in. If only a few cannot log in, that would be Medium.
12) Select the case owner from the Case Owner dropdown. NOTE: All cases currently get assigned to Chelsea to disburse.
13) Use the following guidelines for filling in the Description text box:
- First sentence: direct statement of the situation.
- Additional sentences: more details of what's going on. Include the following if possible:
- Module ID and name
- Section number and name
- Page number and name
- Results you got if you tried fixing the problem
- Add any screenshots after the case is created.
Example description: Receiving
an error message when deleting quizzes from Section 7 of Module 1974 New
Student Orientation. Please
see screenshot attached. Client
is trying to delete quiz question #3 “What floor is the campus library …†They
have tried on different internet browsers and receive the same error message. I
also tried and was not able to delete it.
14) In the upper right click Save.
Add a Screenshot to Case
NOTE: Screenshots must be saved as an image and then added to a case. You can add
the image to a Case in one of two places: Notes or Attachments. Either one is
15) Open the Case in Zoho CRM.
16) To add an image in the Notes section, scroll down to the Note section and click in the Add a Note section.
17) The Add a Note section expands. Click the paperclip icon.
18) Navigate to the image and click Open.
19) Click Save.
20) Scroll down to the Attachment section and on the far right, click Attach.
21) From the dropdown menu, choose the file type/location (usually Upload File).
22) The Attach File modal appears.
23) Either drag the file to the modal or click in the modal and navigate to the file and click Open.
24) Click Attach.
NOTE: Once
a case has been received, it will be worked and returned to you with any
questions or letting you know it has been completed.