[Internal] New Module: Create One in the Management Console

[Internal] New Module: Create One in the Management Console

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating a new Module in the Management Console

Create a New Module

      1) Log into the Management Console.

2) Select the client's organizational unit from the dropdown and click Continue.

      3) Select Launch.

      4) Leave Manage Launch Module as Create New Module.

      5) Click Go.


      6) The Create New Module screen appears.


      7) Enter the name of the module that the client provided in the Module Name textbox. For new clients, refer to the Next Steps Received ticket for the module name. Double-check the spelling of the Module Name.

      8) Leave Copy Content From dropdown as None.

      9) From the Pre-Made Content to Use dropdown choose No Content.

      10) Click Create. There will be a notification in the messages area in the Management Console when the module is ready. You do not need to take any action on the message.

      11) Click Close. If working on a Next Steps Received ticket, you will need to pull up the Client's Org Unit before proceeding to step 12. 

      12) From the Management Console home, select Launch and in the Manage Launch Module dropdown, verify that the new Module is there.

13) Select the new module in Launch and click Go. For Next Steps Received ticket, skip to step 15. 
14) In the Settings section, confirm the correct Template and Main Theme were selected. You may have to view the Client's previous module to confirm what to use.

NOTE: If the new module updated to a different template than what the client is currently using, create a case for tech support to update the default template for new modules (e.g., Client now uses Climb, but the new module has a Flight template.)

15) In the Status section, click Preview to review the module.
16) Preview the orientation up to the Instructions page and check the following:
  1. Background, logo and placeholder images are all displaying correctly and do not have any distortion or quality issues.
  1. Next and back buttons change colors when hovering over them. This color should have enough contrast that it is obvious there is a hover effect. However, it is also important that the hover effect does not create a color too light that the words are not legible creating an ADA issue.
  1. The left side navigation is displaying with the secondary color. Section names have a small amount of contrast between them which visually helps identify them.
17) Navigate through the orientation to make sure everything looks good before notifying the client. 

For the Next Steps Received ticket, the next step is to add the Primary and MC Contacts as MC Admins. To do so, return to the Home page of the Management Console. Then refer to step 3 of the support article 
Management Console: Add an Admin

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