[Internal] Next Steps Received Ticket: Handling Them

[Internal] Next Steps Received Ticket: Handling Them

This document provides step-by-step instructions for handling a Next Steps Received ticket from Zoho Desk.

Locate Client Handle and Update Client Journey

1) Navigate to the client's account in Zoho CRM.
2) Scroll down to the Account Information section. You may have to click Show Details.

3) Look for the client's handle name on the Account Information page. Take note of the handle name as you will need it later on. If it's not there, has a period (.), or appears incorrect, contact the Account Manager to have it updated. The handle is usually similar to the client's website. Note: only a hyphen (-) symbol can be used in a handle. 

4) In the Client Journey field, Select Next Steps Received and in Process in the Client Journey field and then click the check mark to the right.

5) Enter the date from the Next Steps form into the Targeted Go Live Date field and then click the check mark to the right.

Enter/Update Contact Information From Next Steps Form

6) On the left side menu of the client's page in CRM, click Contacts.

7) The list of contacts appears.

NOTE: Make sure at least one contact is assigned to Primary Contact, Billing Contact, MC Contact, and IT Contact. If assigned, double-check that the information matches the Next Steps ticket and that is the most recent information. If a contact is not already assigned, upload their information from the Next Steps ticket.


8) To edit any contact, hover the mouse over the contact and the pencil icon appears. Click it.

9) The Contact Information form will appear.

10) Enter the Primary Contact information (name, email and phone number) from the Next Steps ticket (NST) or make sure the name, email and phone number already there matches what's in the NST. If not, update it to reflect the information in the NST.
11) For the Primary Contact, enter the handle in the Department field and check the Primary Contact check box.
12) Enter the Billing Contact  information (name, email and phone number) from the NST or make sure the name, email and phone number already there matches what's in the NST. If not, update it to reflect the information in the NST. Check the Billing Contact checkbox.
13) Enter the MC Contact information (name, email, phone number from the NST or make sure the name, email and phone number already there matches what's in the NST. If not, update it to reflect the information in the NST. Enter the handle in the Department field and check the MC Contact checkbox.
14) Enter the IT Contact information (name, email and phone number) from the NST or make sure the name, email and phone number already there matches what's in the NST. If not, update it to reflect the information in the NST. Check the IT Contact checkbox.

NOTE: If no IT, MC or Billing Contact are provided on the NST, email the Primary Contact through the CRM asking them for that information. Make sure to CC support@comevo.com so that a ticket is created to follow up on.


15) If you made any changes to the contact, click the Save button in the upper right.

16) Above the list of Contacts, scroll up to the Package Information section and click in the Template box,

17) From the Template dropdown, choose the template name listed in the NST and then click the check mark to the right.

Update Permissions

18) At the bottom of the Account Information section, click the Permission to Add to Website box?

19) Select Yes or No, which you can find at the very bottom of the NST where it says Please indicate here if we have your permission, and then click the check mark to the right.

Download Documents and Images

20) At the bottom of the NST, you'll see various forms and image attachments. Download them to be saved into the client's folder.
21) Locate the client's folder:

School - T:\Operations\Clients\Schools\ Choose Client Name

Corporate - T:\Operations\Clients\Corporate\ Choose Client Name

22) Save the Launch Next Steps form in the client folder using the following name format:
                        LaunchNextStepsForm_ClientHandleName_YYYYMMDD (Today’s Date)


NOTE: Refer to step 1 for client handle.


23) Create a folder within the client's folder called Template.
24) Within the Template folder, create a subfolder called Originals and another one called Previously Used.

NOTE: The Previously Used folder is created for future use. For example, a year from now the client might send an updated background image. The old background image would then be moved to the Previously Used folder.


25) Add the client's original images and brand usage guide to the Template folder. 
26) Make copies of each original image and label them as follows:
  1. Background (Main) image | bg.jpg
  2. Logo | logo.ai or  logo.eps   (for quick export to png)
  3. Placeholder | placeholder.jpg

NOTE: Refer to NST to confirm which image is to be used for the background, logo and placeholder.

27) Move the client's original images to the Originals subfolder. Proceed to step 28.

Resize Images

28) Resize the images in Photoshop according to the following guidelines:
  1. Background image = 1028 x 519 pixels
  2. Placeholder image = 400 x 400 pixels
29) Open logo.ai  or logo.eps  in Adobe Illustrator.
30) Export as a PNG file.
31) Open logo.png  in Photoshop and set the height to 75 pixels tall.
32) An SVG logo will need to be created. Please inform your supervisor an SVG logo is needed. Then continue to the next step.

The next step is to add the Client Account to the Management Console as a New Organizational Unit. To learn how refer to the support article Organizational Unit: Creating a New One.

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