[Internal] Style (CSS) Override: Create One

[Internal] Style (CSS) Override: Create One

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating a style override as part of a theme override by supplying new CSS code.

NOTE: Refer to the following guides to create an override:

Single module: Create a Theme Override That Applies to One Client Module

All modules: Create a Theme Override That Applies to All Client Modules



1) To override a theme's style, create a new CSS file. From the Styles dropdown, select Create New.

In the Filename textbox, enter the name of the override. The file name must not contain any spaces and it should reflect what is being overridden (e.g., button-color-override).

3) Enter the new CSS code in the textbox below the File Name textbox.
4) Click Save.
To apply this override, refer to support guide Theme Override: Apply it.
For a list of overrides, see the Theme Override Index.

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