6) Open the video in JW Player.
7) Below the video, click Embed.
8) In the Embed a Video pop up, click the Player down arrow.
9) Select player type from the dropdown menu. Use
Responsive – No Autoplay (recommended) or Responsive - Autoplay.
10) Click IFRAME.
11) Copy all the code in that window.
12) Click Close.
Add Video to Message Page
13) Open the module in Management Console.
14) At the bottom of the Settings section, click Edit Course Details.
15) Scroll down to the Welcome, Instruction or Completion section where the video will be placed. Click the Insert Video Editor tool.
Where your cursor is on
the page is where the video will be placed.
16) To insert the URL of the video, paste it into the URL textbox and click Insert.
17) To add an iFrame for the video, click the code symbol.
18) Paste the iFrame code into the Embedded Code textbox and click Insert.
19) Verify that the video was added to the appropriate page and that it plays properly.